
Definitely not Southern CA, but an amazing location for adventures. A rare trip brought me to Tel Aviv Israel and fortunately I was able to venture out to Old Jerusalem for a historic tour and then to Galilee in the North for some great trail running.

Tel Aviv

2/24/13-2/27/13  I was able to get a morning jog in up and down the Tel Aviv coastline. Not exactly trail running, but the best I could do at the time. And some great scenery nonetheless.

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Old Jerusalem

2/28/13  After four days of meetings, three co-workers and I were able to take a guided tour of Old Jerusalem, home of the holiest sites on earth for three different religions.

52 images · 1 video

Yehudiya and Sea of Galilee

3/1/13  On the last day of the trip, I rented a car and drove up the Mediterranean coast to Haifa and then East to Nazereth and ultimately to the Golan Heights and the Sea of Galillee for some great trail running.

55 images · 1 video

Masada and Dead Sea

10/10/13  No trail running this time, but another trip to Israel meant more fascinating tours of some immensely historic sites.

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